Should I get a male or female leopard gecko?

Male and Female Leopard Geckos

I’m getting a leopard gecko and want to know what you think is the best gender. Should I get a male or female leopard gecko for a pet? This is a common question when a beginner wants to make the best choice to avoid having rough edges with the new pet. 

Can Bearded Dragon get sick from Humans?

Bearded Dragon Injection

Can Bearded Dragon get sick from Humans? Sick beardies can look pretty bad. Therefore it is crucial to be able to tell whether your bearded dragon is ill or not. There are several signs of sickness in bearded dragons, including lethargy, lack of appetite, and lack of movement. If you’re concerned that your bearded dragon might be sick, here’s some advice on what to do.

What do I do when my bearded dragon is in brumation? 

Bearded Dragon Brumation

A hibernation-like state in the bearded dragon is called brumation, and it occurs naturally in many reptiles in the wild during the winter months. This brumation state is characterized by significant slowing down of the reptile’s metabolic functions, such as the digestion system, heart rate, and breathing. This seemingly lost time between Bearded dragons and their keepers often raises the question, What do I do when my bearded dragon is in brumation?

What do bearded dragons like in their tank?


If you have a bearded dragon or other reptiles as pets, you’ll likely want to decorate its habitat for enhanced comfort. Bit first, what do bearded dragons like in their tank? The most important part of a pet’s habitat is the enclosure it lives in. A well-designed reptile tank should be large enough for the animal to move around comfortably and climb, has resting places, a feeding area, hiding caves, a watering zone, and even a sunbathing platform. 

How long can a leopard gecko go without a heat lamp?

Heat Lamp

How long can your Leopard Gecko survive without a heat lamp? Your Leopard Gecko may be able to survive up to one month without heat, provided the temperatures are within the normal range of 60° Fahrenheit (15° C). In this article, you will learn all about the natural Leo adaptation and reactions to low temperatures, health risks of low temperatures, what to do in the inevitable event of low temperature in Leo’s habitat, and how to best prepare.

How to transport a Bearded Dragon

Bearded Dragon Transporting.

If you have not transported a bearded dragon before, this is the perfect opportunity to learn how to transport a bearded dragon safely. Read on, and I’m going to show you everything you need to know to make sure that your bearded dragon will arrive at the new home or trip destination completely safe.