The 15 Best Tropical Fish for Beginners

Pet Fish

Are you thinking about getting a pet fish? If you are thinking about getting a pet fish, it can be quite a confusing experience. You can easily get lost in all the information out there that just gets you confused. What are the best tropical fish for beginners? This is probably one of the most common questions people ask about getting a pet fish. 

Do Frogs make Good Pets?

Pet Frog

Frogs are brilliant and are one of the best pet choices. It is effortless to take care of a pet frog, and it is not very expensive. Frogs make good pets and can be kept in an aquarium or even a terrarium. However, you may need to consider some factors like the age of children who may access the frogs since frogs are hands-off pets for the most part and require a high standard of husbandry.

How do I know if my leopard gecko is stressed?

Stressed Leoprd Gecko

Do you know how to tell if your Leopard Gecko is stressed or happy? Well, it is difficult to notice when a gecko is unwell. However, it is easier to recognize a problem when you have a standard behavioral checklist to compare against. For example, if you’re a beginner and trying to get a leopard gecko from a breeder, ask and research the pet’s normal behaviors. This way, you’ll learn to recognize signs of stress.

Leopard gecko stress signs

Leopard Gecko

As a pet owner, it is your top priority to monitor your gecko’s behavior and be in a position to point out if it is acting strangely or is healthy. In this article, you will learn how to tell leopard gecko stress signs.

How to catch a gecko inside the house

Fear of Gecko inside the house

Geckos are by far the most popular reptiles to be kept as pets. However, they happen to come to your home uninvited sometimes. When this happens, it is honorable to figure out how to catch a gecko inside the house safely. This article shall discuss in-depth common house gecko facts to help you decide if … Read more